Muraleando community project


Adequate use of structures and spaces in the neighborhood for spiritual enjoyment and improvement of people’s quality of life

An art project on the outskirts of Havana turned this neighborhood into a gallery of murals, sculptures and more..

On the function of this movement Manuel Valdriech, director of the project, gives us a bit of history: “The objective of the murals is to link ordinary people to art. Muralism has always had the function of socializing art, until its emergence many artistic manifestations were considered elitist.

In 2010, Muraleando gained a proper headquarters – in the form of an abandoned, century-old water tank. Dubbed, “El Tanque,” ​​it’s grown to house an art gallery, workshops, and stage space for regular recitals and performances. The project has expanded outward from there, thanks entirely to the work and funding of local artists and community members. An effort recognized in 2014 when Muralenado was awarded the National Prize for Community Culture.